Starship Freedom books 1 & 2 by Daniel Arenson
My rating: ⭐ ⭐ out of 5 stars

The starship Freedom was once a mighty warship. Today she’s a tourist attraction.

The space wars ended long ago. The Freedom is now a flying museum. The tourists love it. The Changing of the Guard, the starfighter aerobatics, the starboard cannon salute . . . it’s the best show in the galaxy.

James King commands the starship Freedom. He hates his job. He was a real soldier once. Back when the Freedom was a real warship. He never imagined himself running a tourist trap. Right after Christmas, he plans to retire.

Then, on Christmas day, the aliens attack.

Horrifying aliens. Creatures of claws, fangs, and endless malice. Within hours, they devastate Earth’s military. Millions die.

So much for retirement.

The aliens spare the starship Freedom. After all, she’s only a tourist attraction. But not to Commander King. He will get his beloved starship battle-ready. He will enter the fight. The Freedom will fly to war again!

This looked like a interesting series but unfortunately it was rather abysmally implemented. The first book was, in my opinion, just slightly above two stars and I hoped it would improve but the second book was actually going downhill from the first.

I wonder who many of those five star ratings are bots because there no way anyone with an ounce of intelligence can consider this book worth five stars.

The characters are flat, the story sounds okay but it very amateurishly and poorly implemented.

Not that there is that much of a story when all is done and said though. The author compensates for the lack of substance by throwing the main protagonist and the ship into battle after battle to try and fill out the book.

Strategy? Nah, who needs that. Just throw together some MacGyver style fireworks (did I mentioned that the great battleship didn’t have any live ammo), a lot of bullshit tough talk and go for it.

I could go on but I feel it is a waste of my time. This series goes into the trash bin for me.

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