
As you might have guessed this site is about books, movies and computers. These subjects happen to be hobbies of mine and on this site I write about these hobbies. Maintaining this site is, of course, also a bit of a hobby of mine. Thus the site is strictly non-professional and the reviews and other posts are entirely my personal opinions and nothing else. The choice of subjects for the posts are either what book I have recently read or what movie I have recently watched or simply what I felt like writing about.

Originally I started off with a single personal family blog. That blog still exists here and I still make posts about things related to myself and my family on that blog. I found out however that I tried to shoehorn two different things into one blog. Parents and other family back in Sweden cared less about my book and movie interests and only wanted to read family related things where most other people probably was less interested in the family side of things.

So I split my original blog in two and moved my book, computer and movie related content to this blog. My main genre, especially as far as books are concerned, are in Science Fiction and Fantasy so you will notice a rather heavy bias towards such material on this site.

Me, I have a Master’s Degree in computer engineering and work as a computer engineer at European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland

Apart from the subjects of this blog I also like photography and electronic gadgets in general.

Yes, I have a Facebook page as well here but I really do not use it very much.

8 responses to “About”

  1. Hello there. Having been nominated for the Liebster Award, I’ve considered many blogs to further nominate and I’ve chosen yours. More details can be found here:
    Have a nice day 


  2. You work in CERN? Wow!

    I’ve become quite the science fiction nut over the last few years, so I’ll be following this blog with interest.


    1. Indeed, I do work at CERN and I am still searching for that X-34 that we are supposed to have according to Dan Brown :-). The Swiss highway cops had never heard of CERN people being allowed to drive at any speed on their highways either…the Swiss fines are quite heavy by the way 😦

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks so much for blogging about my series, Exodus: Empires at War. I am glad that you have enjoyed them, and the rating keep getting better and better. Just stumbled over this blog tonight while doing a web search. Again, thanks.


    1. Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings!


  4. I found your Blog while reading part of your review that Paul Honsinger had on his author site in I became interested more about why you liked the first book in the “Man of War” series and came to your Blog. I must admit I like many of the Sci Fi authors you read and found your reviews well written and I like the wit you use to explain why. In going through your blog I will enjoy exchanging stories and movies choices with you if you like. I am a long time fan of Sci Fi books from the golden age of Sci Fi in the 1930’s to the independent authors of today. I will follow your blog while catching up reading from the very beginning October 2010.


  5. Hi Per,
    I have just published a sci-fi novel on Amazon. As a fellow follower of science fiction I would be happy to send you a free copy. A review would be great but not essential. It’s called ‘Blood On Borrowed Wings’ and has only just been released. Let me know and whatever you decide, I wish you future success with your ‘ramblings’ and really like the way your blog is laid out – I wish mine were so colourful. Thanks Per.

    Darren Stapleton


  6. Hey! Been using your site for awhile on what books to read since you and me have almost the same exact taste =)

    I was wondering if you could update your book reviews in a compiled ratings list? All books at 5, all at 4 and so on and so forth, if ya could add an average series rating as well that would be awesome.

    Keep up the awesome work mate!


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